List view

Number Title Image Have Want
1 Ash Ash
I have this
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2 Team Aqua Team Aqua
I have this
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3 Prof. Birch Prof. Birch
I have this
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4 Brock Brock
I have this
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5 Team Rocket Team Rocket
I have this
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6 Team Magma Team Magma
I have this
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7 May May
I have this
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8 Max Max
I have this
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9 Absol Absol
I have this
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10 Aggron Aggron
I have this
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11 Altaria Altaria
I have this
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12 Anorith Anorith
I have this
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13 Armaldo Armaldo
I have this
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14 Aron Aron
I have this
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15 Azurill Azurill
I have this
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16 Bagon Bagon
I have this
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17 Banette Banette
I have this
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18 Beautifly Beautifly
I have this
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19 Blaziken Blaziken
I have this
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20 Cacnea Cacnea
I have this
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21 Cacturne Cacturne
I have this
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22 Camerupt Camerupt
I have this
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23 Carvanha Carvanha
I have this
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24 Castform Castform
I have this
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25 Combusken Combusken
I have this
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26 Corphish Corphish
I have this
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27 Cradily Cradily
I have this
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28 Crawdaunt Crawdaunt
I have this
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29 Delcatty Delcatty
I have this
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30 Duskull Duskull
I have this
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31 Dustox Dustox
I have this
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32 Exploud Exploud
I have this
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33 Feebas Feebas
I have this
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34 Gardevoir Gardevoir
I have this
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35 Glalie Glalie
I have this
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36 Groudon Groudon
I have this
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37 Grovyle Grovyle
I have this
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38 Grumpig Grumpig
I have this
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39 Hariyama Hariyama
I have this
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40 Illumise Illumise
I have this
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41 Kecleon Kecleon
I have this
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42 Kirlia Kirlia
I have this
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43 Kyogre Kyogre
I have this
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44 Lairon Lairon
I have this
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45 Latias Latias
I have this
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46 Latios Latios
I have this
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47 Lileep Lileep
I have this
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48 Linoone Linoone
I have this
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49 Lotad Lotad
I have this
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50 Loudred Loudred
I have this
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51 Ludicolo Ludicolo
I have this
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52 Makuhita Makuhita
I have this
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53 Marshtomp Marshtomp
I have this
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54 Masquerain Masquerain
I have this
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55 Medicham Medicham
I have this
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56 Meditite Meditite
I have this
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57 Minun Minun
I have this
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58 Mudkip Mudkip
I have this
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59 Nosepass Nosepass
I have this
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60 Numel Numel
I have this
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61 Nuzleaf Nuzleaf
I have this
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62 Pelipper Pelipper
I have this
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63 Plusle Plusle
I have this
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64 Poochyena Poochyena
I have this
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65 Ralts Ralts
I have this
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66 Roselia Roselia
I have this
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67 Sableye Sableye
I have this
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68 Salamence Salamence
I have this
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69 Sceptile Sceptile
I have this
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70 Sealeo Sealeo
I have this
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71 Seedot Seedot
I have this
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72 Seviper Seviper
I have this
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73 Sharpedo Sharpedo
I have this
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74 Shiftry Shiftry
I have this
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75 Shroomish Shroomish
I have this
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76 Skitty Skitty
I have this
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77 Slakoth Slakoth
I have this
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78 Spinda Spinda
I have this
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79 Spoink Spoink
I have this
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80 Swampert Swampert
I have this
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81 Taillow Taillow
I have this
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82 Treecko Treecko
I have this
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83 Trapinch Trapinch
I have this
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84 Torchic Torchic
I have this
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85 Vigoroth Vigoroth
I have this
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86 Volbeat Volbeat
I have this
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87 Whiscash Whiscash
I have this
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88 Wynaut Wynaut
I have this
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89 Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
I have this
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