Pokedex List

Number Title Set Image Have Want
TG10/TG30 Houndoom Brilliant Stars - Trainer Gallery Houndoom
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H11/H32 Houndoom Skyridge Houndoom
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H11/H32 Houndoom Aquapolis Houndoom
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4/75 Houndoom Neo Discovery Houndoom
I have this
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5/109 Dark Houndoom Team Rocket Returns Dark Houndoom
I have this
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5/90 Houndoom Undaunted Houndoom
I have this
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7/105 Dark Houndoom Neo Destiny Dark Houndoom
I have this
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7/115 Houndoom Unseen Forces Houndoom
I have this
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8/64 Houndoom Neo Revelation Houndoom
I have this
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10/95 Team Magma’s Houndoom Team Magma vs Team Aqua Team Magma’s Houndoom
I have this
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10/95 Houndoom Call of Legends Houndoom
I have this
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12/144 Houndoom Skyridge Houndoom
I have this
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14/147 Houndoom Aquapolis Houndoom
I have this
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15/147 Houndoom Aquapolis Houndoom
I have this
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18/106 Houndoom Great Encounters Houndoom
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021/189 Houndoom V Darkness Ablaze Houndoom V
I have this
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21/162 Houndoom-EX BREAKthrough Houndoom-EX
I have this
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22/162 M Houndoom-EX BREAKthrough M Houndoom-EX
I have this
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23/75 Houndoom Neo Discovery Houndoom
I have this
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34/97 Houndoom Dragon Houndoom
I have this
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34/95 Team Magma’s Houndoom Team Magma vs Team Aqua Team Magma’s Houndoom
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034/198 Houndoom Scarlet & Violet Houndoom
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37/109 Dark Houndoom Team Rocket Returns Dark Houndoom
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46/214 Houndoom Lost Thunder Houndoom
I have this
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50/127 Houndoom G Platinum Houndoom G
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56/101 Houndoom Plasma Blast Houndoom
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57/146 Houndoom Legends Awakened Houndoom
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59/111 Houndoom Crimson Invasion Houndoom
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65/111 Houndoom E4 Rising Rivals Houndoom E4
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75/124 Houndoom Dragons Exalted Houndoom
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82/90 Houndoom Undaunted Houndoom
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SWSH090 Houndoom Sword & Shield Promos Houndoom
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096/163 Houndoom Battle Styles Houndoom
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103 Houndoom ex Scarlet & Violet Promos Houndoom ex
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133/197 Houndoom Obsidian Flames Houndoom
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134/197 Houndoom ex Obsidian Flames Houndoom ex
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153/162 Houndoom-EX BREAKthrough Houndoom-EX
I have this
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154/162 M Houndoom-EX BREAKthrough M Houndoom-EX
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178/189 Houndoom V Darkness Ablaze Houndoom V
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179/163 Houndoom Battle Styles Houndoom
I have this
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