Generation 3 – Hoenn

Generation 3 introduced a whole new region, Hoenn.This generation also introduced two new types, Dark and Steel, as well as the ability to breed Pokemon for the first time. Hoenn also introduced 135 new Pokemon to catch and battle with. These include fan-favorites like Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Flygon, and many more. Each one has its own unique type combination and moveset that makes it stand out from other generations.

Pokedex Pokemon Name TCG Cards
359 Absol 25
306 Aggron 24
334 Altaria 38
347 Anorith 9
348 Armaldo 9
304 Aron 23
298 Azurill 4
371 Bagon 21
343 Baltoy 25
354 Banette 20
339 Barboach 10
267 Beautifly 9
374 Beldum 22
257 Blaziken 29
286 Breloom 15
331 Cacnea 16
332 Cacturne 13
323 Camerupt 23
318 Carvanha 22
268 Cascoon 8
351 Castform 20
358 Chimecho 15
366 Clamperl 6
344 Claydol 20
256 Combusken 20
341 Corphish 17
346 Cradily 8
342 Crawdaunt 13
301 Delcatty 19
386 Deoxys 41
356 Dusclops 16
355 Duskull 19
269 Dustox 9
309 Electrike 31
295 Exploud 11
349 Feebas 16
330 Flygon 24
282 Gardevoir 50
362 Glalie 14
368 Gorebyss 7
383 Groudon 31
253 Grovyle 18
326 Grumpig 15
316 Gulpin 9
297 Hariyama 14
367 Huntail 6
314 Illumise 9
385 Jirachi 27
352 Kecleon 9
281 Kirlia 31
382 Kyogre 31
305 Lairon 23
380 Latias 29
381 Latios 36
345 Lileep 8
264 Linoone 11
271 Lombre 14
270 Lotad 16
294 Loudred 12
272 Ludicolo 14
337 Lunatone 15
370 Luvdisc 13
296 Makuhita 17
310 Manectric 32
259 Marshtomp 13
284 Masquerain 13
303 Mawile 31
308 Medicham 19
307 Meditite 17
376 Metagross 30
375 Metang 23
262 Mightyena 22
350 Milotic 21
312 Minun 20
258 Mudkip 21
290 Nincada 10
291 Ninjask 9
299 Nosepass 16
322 Numel 21
274 Nuzleaf 18
279 Pelipper 15
311 Plusle 20
261 Poochyena 23
280 Ralts 30
384 Rayquaza 58
378 Regice 9
377 Regirock 15
379 Registeel 12
369 Relicanth 15
315 Roselia 15
302 Sableye 31
373 Salamence 26
254 Sceptile 24
364 Sealeo 13
273 Seedot 19
336 Seviper 16
319 Sharpedo 23
292 Shedinja 8
372 Shelgon 17
275 Shiftry 22
285 Shroomish 15
353 Shuppet 16
266 Silcoon 8
300 Skitty 22
289 Slaking 14
287 Slakoth 15
361 Snorunt 18
338 Solrock 18
363 Spheal 15
327 Spinda 10
325 Spoink 17
283 Surskit 14
333 Swablu 26
317 Swalot 7
260 Swampert 15
277 Swellow 12
276 Taillow 13
255 Torchic 30
324 Torkoal 21
328 Trapinch 19
357 Tropius 17
329 Vibrava 17
288 Vigoroth 14
313 Volbeat 9
320 Wailmer 13
321 Wailord 20
365 Walrein 12
340 Whiscash 11
293 Whismur 13
278 Wingull 13
265 Wurmple 12
360 Wynaut 5
335 Zangoose 15
263 Zigzagoon 12