Generation 2 – Johto

Generation II of the Pokemon franchise, also known as the Johto region, was introduced in 1999 with the release of Pokemon Gold and Silver for the Game Boy Color. It featured a brand new set of 100 Pokemon, including Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Raikou and Totodile. The Johto region is located to the west of Kanto and is home to many unique features. It has a variety of different climates ranging from snow-covered mountains to lush forests and even deserts. The cities are also quite different from those found in Kanto, with many having a more traditional Japanese feel to them.

Pokedex Pokemon Name TCG Cards
190 Aipom 18
181 Ampharos 34
168 Ariados 18
184 Azumarill 19
153 Bayleef 10
182 Bellossom 12
242 Blissey 23
251 Celebi 34
152 Chikorita 15
170 Chinchou 26
173 Cleffa 16
222 Corsola 14
169 Crobat 31
159 Croconaw 16
155 Cyndaquil 18
225 Delibird 11
232 Donphan 19
206 Dunsparce 19
239 Elekid 8
244 Entei 35
196 Espeon 36
160 Feraligatr 21
180 Flaaffy 29
205 Forretress 22
162 Furret 8
203 Girafarig 14
207 Gligar 17
210 Granbull 17
214 Heracross 25
237 Hitmontop 13
250 Ho-Oh 32
163 Hoothoot 14
187 Hoppip 14
229 Houndoom 40
228 Houndour 29
174 Igglybuff 9
189 Jumpluff 13
230 Kingdra 26
171 Lanturn 25
246 Larvitar 27
166 Ledian 11
165 Ledyba 13
249 Lugia 38
240 Magby 10
219 Magcargo 27
226 Mantine 13
179 Mareep 27
183 Marill 22
154 Meganium 15
241 Miltank 15
200 Misdreavus 20
198 Murkrow 25
177 Natu 19
164 Noctowl 16
224 Octillery 17
231 Phanpy 17
172 Pichu 14
221 Piloswine 14
204 Pineco 19
186 Politoed 10
233 Porygon2 15
247 Pupitar 24
195 Quagsire 15
156 Quilava 13
211 Qwilfish 12
243 Raikou 25
223 Remoraid 14
212 Scizor 37
161 Sentret 11
213 Shuckle 16
227 Skarmory 27
188 Skiploom 12
199 Slowking 24
218 Slugma 22
235 Smeargle 16
238 Smoochum 7
215 Sneasel 30
209 Snubbull 20
167 Spinarak 18
234 Stantler 12
208 Steelix 32
185 Sudowoodo 18
245 Suicune 33
192 Sunflora 11
191 Sunkern 10
220 Swinub 13
216 Teddiursa 13
175 Togepi 18
176 Togetic 14
158 Totodile 21
157 Typhlosion 24
248 Tyranitar 45
236 Tyrogue 7
197 Umbreon 41
201 Unown 95
217 Ursaring 16
202 Wobbuffet 22
194 Wooper 23
178 Xatu 20
193 Yanma 18